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Day: November 11, 2020

Microsoft Fixes Windows Zero-day Disclosed By Google Last Month
Microsoft Fixes Windows Zero-day Disclosed By Google Last Month
Microsoft Fixes Windows Zero-day Disclosed By Google Last Month
Microsoft Fixes Windows Zero-day Disclosed By Google Last Month

Microsoft Fixes Windows Zero-day Disclosed By Google Last Month

Microsoft Fixes Windows Zero-day Disclosed By Google Last Month Microsoft has fixed today a Windows kernel zero-day vulnerability exploited in the wild as part of targeted attacks and publicly disclosed by Project Zero, Google’s 0day bug-hunting team, last month. According to Project Zero researchers Mateusz Jurczyk and Sergei Glazunov who discovered it, the security flaw currently tracked as CVE-2020-17087 is

Microsoft November 2020 Patch Tuesday Fixes 112 Vulnerabilities

Microsoft November 2020 Patch Tuesday Fixes 112 Vulnerabilities Today is Microsoft’s November 2020 Patch Tuesday, and Windows administrators worldwide will be running around putting out fires all day, so be nice to them. With the November 2020 Patch Tuesday security updates release, Microsoft has released fixes for 112 vulnerabilities in Microsoft products. Of the 112 vulnerabilities fixed

Microsoft Store, Outlook, And Xbox Live Are Down Worldwide

Microsoft Store, Outlook, And Xbox Live Are Down Worldwide Microsoft users are currently experiencing issues around the world, with users unable to access Windows Store (Microsoft Store), Xbox Live services, and Outlook. When attempting to access Microsoft Store, users are seeing loading screen, which suggests that the Store is unable to connect to the Microsoft

Windows 10 Cumulative Updates KB4586786 & KB4586781 Released

Windows 10 Cumulative Updates KB4586786 & KB4586781 Released It’s November 10 and Patch Tuesday, and the first batch of security updates or ‘B’ updates are now available for all supported versions of Windows 10 including version 20H2. If you want to grab these updates, check for updates in the Settings and the update will begin installing. If

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