
Privacy Ninja



        • Secure your network against various threat points. VA starts at only S$1,000, while VAPT starts at S$4,000. With Price Beat Guarantee!

        • API Penetration Testing
        • Enhance your digital security posture with our approach that identifies and addresses vulnerabilities within your API framework, ensuring robust protection against cyber threats targeting your digital interfaces.

        • On-Prem & Cloud Network Penetration Testing
        • Boost your network’s resilience with our assessment that uncovers security gaps, so you can strengthen your defences against sophisticated cyber threats targeting your network

        • Web Penetration Testing
        • Fortify your web presence with our specialised web app penetration testing service, designed to uncover and address vulnerabilities, ensuring your website stands resilient against online threats

        • Mobile Penetration Testing
        • Strengthen your mobile ecosystem’s resilience with our in-depth penetration testing service. From applications to underlying systems, we meticulously probe for vulnerabilities

        • Cyber Hygiene Training
        • Empower your team with essential cybersecurity knowledge, covering the latest vulnerabilities, best practices, and proactive defence strategies

        • Thick Client Penetration Testing
        • Elevate your application’s security with our thorough thick client penetration testing service. From standalone desktop applications to complex client-server systems, we meticulously probe for vulnerabilities to fortify your software against potential cyber threats.

        • Source Code Review
        • Ensure the integrity and security of your codebase with our comprehensive service, meticulously analysing code quality, identifying vulnerabilities, and optimising performance for various types of applications, scripts, plugins, and more

        • Email Spoofing Prevention
        • Check if your organisation’s email is vulnerable to hackers and put a stop to it. Receive your free test today!

        • Email Phishing Excercise
        • Strengthen your defense against email threats via simulated attacks that test and educate your team on spotting malicious emails, reducing breach risks and boosting security.

        • Cyber Essentials Bundle
        • Equip your organisation with essential cyber protection through our packages, featuring quarterly breached accounts monitoring, email phishing campaigns, cyber hygiene training, and more. LAUNCHING SOON.

Protect Your Blockchain Projects & Smart Contracts From The Risks of Vulnerabilities & Avoid Substantial Financial Losses With Our Smart Contract Audit Services 

Why Work With Privacy
Ninja for Your Smart Contract Security Audit?

Look at our track record

We founded Asia’s first bug bounty platform and have been keeping Organisations, MNCs and SMEs all over the world safe from cyber-attacks, security vulnerabilities and data breaches.

Large organisations like A*Star Research, Marché, E27, MightyJaxx, and AlphaWave trust us with their cyber security.

NFT minting, Yield Farming platforms, Token issuance, DeFi forks, we’ve audited them all.

Our team is made up of the best smart contract auditors in the world

Our auditors are hall of famers who have audited some of the most complex smart contracts in the blockchain sphere, including those from leading platforms like Binance Smart Chain, Ethereum, Tron, and others.

With unmatched expertise, we deliver comprehensive smart contract audits within just 7 days of project commencement!

Despite being the best in Singapore, we’re the most affordable, with Price beat guarantee!

We pride ourselves on being Singapore’s best smart contract auditing provider but are also 100% committed to being the most affordable. 

If you find a cheaper smart contract audit cost from another smart contract auditor based in Singapore, we’ll beat their price by 10%.  

Not one of the companies we’re working with has suffered blockchain exploitation after engaging us for their smart contract security audits.

As Featured In

CNA AntiHACK Bug Bounty

Channel NewsAsia

Bug Bounty

Lian He Zao Bao

Bank Phishing

Channel 8

Dark Web

Interpol World


Channel 8

IoT Security

Complete Your Smart Contract Audit with Privacy Ninja in Just 7 Days

While affordability matters, the quality and depth of the audit report are paramount.

After we audit a smart contract, you’ll receive a comprehensive report detailing:

Industries We Serve

How We've Helped Our Clients Identify Security Vulnerabilities

Investment & Yield Farming Contracts

What we found:

  • Reentrancy Attack – A malicious actor could withdraw funds repeatedly before the original transaction is approved, draining the contract funds.

  • Unchecked Return Values—Failing to check the return value of an external call could result in a loss of funds or an inconsistent contract state.

  • Front-Running – Transactions can be manipulated by miners or observers, leading to financial loss or unfair advantages.

  • Incorrect Access Control – An attacker could gain unauthorized access to critical functions, leading to loss or theft of funds.

  • And many more…

Token Issuance & Minting Contracts

What we found:

  • Integer Overflow/Underflow – Improper arithmetic operations can lead to the minting or burning of a large number of tokens, destabilizing the token economy.

  • Lack of Proper Event Logging – Inadequate logging can obscure contract operations, hindering issue diagnosis and contract transparency.

  • Insecure Randomness – Predictability in random number generation can be exploited by attackers to influence contract outcomes.

  • And many more..

Gaming & NFT Platforms

What we found:

  • Broken Delegation – Delegated calls to untrusted contracts can lead to unexpected behaviour or exploits.

  • Improper State Change – Flaws in state-changing functions can allow attackers to disrupt the contract’s intended workflow.

  • Insecure Dependency Management – Reliance on insecure or outdated contract dependencies can introduce vulnerabilities.

  • And many more…

Our Clients

Client Testimonials

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