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Microsoft Warns Windows 10 USB Printing Breaks Due to Recent Updates

Microsoft Warns Windows 10 USB Printing Breaks Due to Recent Updates

Microsoft is warning customers that Windows updates released since June 28 will trigger printing issues on devices connected using USB.

“Microsoft has received reports of issues affecting some printing devices following installation of Windows updates released June 28 ( KB5014666) and later,” Redmond explained.

Affected platforms include both client (Windows 10, version 20H2, 21H1, and 21H2) and server (Windows Server, version 20H2).

Symptoms reported by users and highlighted by Redmond include applications referring to the printer using a specific name not being able to print and Windows showing duplicate copies of installed printers with similar names and the suffix “Copy1.”

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“Normal printer usage might be interrupted for either scenario, resulting in failure of printing operations,” the company said in a notice on the Windows health dashboard.

“We are presently investigating and will provide an update when more information is available.”

Microsoft also asked users experiencing these or similar printing-related issues on systems with USB-connected printers to file a report via the Feedback Hub under the Problem > Devices and Drivers> Print category by choosing “Make new bug” under the “Find similar feedback” section.

You can find additional info on the health dashboard or Microsoft’s support website if you want to file a report.

Workarounds available

While Microsoft is still working on a fix for this recently acknowledged known issue, the company provides affected customers with workarounds that should help them temporarily restore printing functionality on their devices.

Actions that you could try to resolve the issue include:

  • ​Opening the Settings app, navigate to “Bluetooth & devices,” and select “Printers & scanners.”
  • ​If there appears to be a duplicate installation of an existing printer, such as with the suffix “Copy1”, confirm if printing works for this printer. This printer should operate as expected.
  • ​If you need to use the original printer installation and not the duplicate, right-click the duplicate printer, select “Printer properties,” and select the “Ports” tab. Observe the port in use.
  • ​Opening “Printer properties” on the original printer and selecting the “Ports” tab. From the list displayed, select the port option in use by the duplicate printer. The duplicate copy printer can be removed if this original printer works normally. 

If the workarounds above didn’t help, you could attempt to update the printer driver or check your printer manufacturer’s website for a firmware update.

If the issue is still there, you could also try reinstalling the printer using the following steps:

  1. Turn off your printer and disconnect any cables
  2. Open the Settings app, navigate to “Bluetooth & devices,” and select “Printers & scanners.”
  3. Select the affected printer and select the “Remove Device” option
  4. Restart your device
  5. Turn on your printer and reconnect it to your device 

Last week, Microsoft also warned that printing might break on devices (printers and scanners) using smart card (PIV) authentication.

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This is because temporary mitigation provided one year ago to address Windows Server printing issues on non-compliant devices will be removed, potentially breaking printing starting with this week’s optional preview updates.



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