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StackOverflow, Twitch, Reddit, Others Down in Fastly CDN Outage

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StackOverflow, Twitch, Reddit, Others Down in Fastly CDN Outage
StackOverflow, Twitch, Reddit, Others Down in Fastly CDN Outage
StackOverflow, Twitch, Reddit, Others Down in Fastly CDN Outage
StackOverflow, Twitch, Reddit, Others Down in Fastly CDN Outage
StackOverflow, Twitch, Reddit, Others Down in Fastly CDN Outage

StackOverflow, Twitch, Reddit, Others Down in Fastly CDN Outage

Major websites around the world are either completely down or not loading properly in a global outage.

As noticed by BleepingComputer, sites currently impacted by this outage include:

  • Amazon
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • CNN
  • repos (
  • GOV.UK
  • GitHub
  • Heroku (
  • Reddit
  • Shopify
  • StackOverflow
  • TechRadar
  • The Verge
  • TomsGuide

This is not an exhaustive list as many more reports have surfaced on the internet of users struggling to access prominent websites.

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Accessing any of the websites impacted by this issue throws a “connection failure,” error, “IO error,” or an HTTP 503 code, as seen by BleepingComputer:

http 503
Impacted websites throwing HTTP 503

In cases of Amazon and GitHub, we observed that the images (or avatars), JavaScript files, CSS styling sheets, all likely hosted on a CDN, are not loading properly:

Broken images, scripts and styling on Amazon

Fastly CDN likely to blame

While an investigation is ongoing as to what the reason behind the outage might be, Fastly CDN has been seen as the common link.

Many of the impacted websites on the list rely on Fastly CDN to serve content, as noted by BleepingComputer.

As of today, Jun 8, 09:58 UTC time, Fastly’s status page confirmed an ongoing issue that is being investigated.

“We’re currently investigating potential impact to performance with our CDN services,” reads Fastly’s status page.

Also Read: Got Hacked? Here Are 5 Ways to Handle Data Breaches

This is a developing story.


06:44 AM ET: “The issue has been identified and a fix is being implemented,” according to Fastly.

06:57 AM ET: The issue has been identified and a fix has been applied. Customers may experience increased origin load as global services return.

h/t Michael KearnsMayank Parmar

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