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Day: August 31, 2020

How To Check Data Breach And How Can We Prevent It
How To Check Data Breach And How Can We Prevent It
How To Check Data Breach And How Can We Prevent It
How To Check Data Breach And How Can We Prevent It

How To Check Data Breach And How Can We Prevent It

How To Check Data Breach And How Can We Prevent It Hackers and their malware are always changing. There’s always a new data check data breach happening, and sadly, there’s a sucker born every minute. Sure, there are cybersecurity professions that combat these threats every day, but is that enough to keep our private information

Top 8 Main PDPA Obligations To Boost And Secure Your Business

Top 8 Main PDPA Obligations To Boost And Secure Your Business As a result of recent regulations, Singapore companies are required to obtain the consent of an individual before they can collect, use, or disclose any personal information related to that individual. The Personal Data Protection Act (or PDPA) relies on two main pillars for

5 Tips In Using Assessment Tools To A Successful Businesses

5 Tips In Using Assessment Tools To A Successful Businesses As businesses try to move forward in this sluggish economy it may be time to pull a time honored resource out of the business toolbox– the SWOT Analysis  (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats).  Chances are that you’ve heard of  the SWOT Analysis, which is a

You Have Two Days Left To Purchase 2-year TLS/SSL Certificates

You Have Two Days Left To Purchase 2-year TLS/SSL Certificates If you are looking to purchase a 2-year TLS or SSL certificate, you have only two days left before all new certificates will have a maximum 397 day validity period. Web browser and operating system developers, such as Apple, Microsoft, Firefox, and Google, will no

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