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Data Protection Trustmark Certification: Business Advantage

data protection trustmark certification
Data Protection Trustmark Certification to help businesses verify their conformance to personal data protection standards and best practices.

Data Protection Trustmark Certification: Business Advantage

To support businesses in building consumer trust, IMDA has developed the Data Protection Trustmark Certification to help businesses verify their conformance to personal data protection standards and best practices. ISOCert is one of the three assessment bodies appointed by IMDA-PDPC for the independent assessment. 

What is Data Protection Trustmark Certification (DPTM)?

As part of advancing the digital economy strategy to allow Singapore to stand out as a trusted data hub with a well-developed data ecosystem that supports competition and innovation as well as the cross-border flow of data, the Info-communications Media Development Authority (IMDA) has developed the Data Protection Trustmark Certification to help organisations verify their conformance to personal data protection standards and best practices.

Data Protection Trustmark Certification help organisations verify their conformance to personal data protection standards and best practices.

Why is DPTM important?

In an ever-changing technology landscape, the need to recognize the importance of protecting a company’s data is paramount. Today, consumers care more about data protection with the increasing scale of data breaches and hacks. To gain consumer confidence and trust, organisations now need to look at how it can better protect customers’ data especially in relatively new areas like a machine and artificial intelligence.

What DPTM means to Consumers

As a consumer, you can rest assured that an organisation certified with the DPTM has put in place responsible data protection practices and will take better care of your personal data.

Also read: 7 Client Data Protection Tips to Keep Customers Safe

Who can apply?

Organisations that have put in place a data protection regime to comply with the obligations of the PDPA can apply for DPTM.

They should be either (1) formed or recognised under the laws of Singapore, or (2) resident, or having an office or a place of business, in Singapore, and in any case, not a public agency (as defined in the Personal Data Protection Act 2012).

Organisations that have put in place a data protection regime to comply with the obligations of the PDPA can apply for DPTM.

Data Protection Trustmark Certification

As part of advancing the digital economy strategy to allow Singapore to stand out as a trusted data hub with a well-developed data ecosystem that supports competition and innovation as well as the cross-border flow of data, the PDPC has developed the Data Protection Trustmark Certification to help organisations verify their conformance to personal data protection standards and best practices.

The key objectives of the certification are:

  • for organisations to demonstrate sound and accountable data protection practices;
  • to enhance and promote consistency in data protection standards across all sectors;
  • to provide a competitive advantage for businesses that are certified; and
  • to boost consumer confidence in organisations’ management of personal data.

The benefits to being DPTM-certified:

  1. Provides Assurance to Your Organisation: Third-party certification helps to provide validation of your organisation’s data protection regime. The certification will increase your data governance and protection standards, uncover potential weaknesses and enable your organisation to take steps to mitigate risks.
  2. Increases Business Competitiveness: Obtaining DPTM certification demonstrates to your customers that you have robust data protection policies and practices in place to safeguard their personal data. This will help strengthen your reputation, build trust and foster confidence in your business, raising your business competitiveness both locally and overseas.

The DPTM certification is valid for 3 years and organisations will need to apply for re-certification prior to its expiry.

Step 1: DPTM Application (To IMDA)

Interested organisations can submit their application online to IMDA directly. Only online applications will be accepted. Upon submission of the application, the Applicant Organisation is bound by the Terms of Agreement between the Certification Body (IMDA) and Applicant Organisation in relation to the Data Protection Trustmark Certification scheme. Applicants will be notified within 5 working days on the status of their application. Incomplete submission will delay the processing time. 

Step 2: Select Assessment Body

Interested organisations can submit their application online to IMDA directly. Only online applications will be accepted. Upon submission of the application, the Applicant Organisation is bound by the Terms of Agreement between the Certification Body (IMDA) and Applicant Organisation in relations to the Data Protection Trustmark Certification scheme. Applicants will be notified within 5 working days on the status of their application. Incomplete submission will delay the processing time.

Also read: Top 25 Data Protection Statistics That You Must Be Informed




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