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Ryuk Successor Conti Ransomware Releases Data Leak Site

Ryuk Successor Conti Ransomware Releases Data Leak Site

Ransomware lock

Conti ransomware, the successor of the notorious Ryuk, has released a data leak site as part of their extortion strategy to force victims into paying a ransom.

In the past, when the TrickBot trojan infected a network, it would eventually lead to the deployment of the Ryuk ransomware as a final attack.

According to Advanced Intel’s Vitali Kremez, since July 2020, Ryuk is no longer being deployed, and in its place, the TrickBot-linked operators, are now deploying the Conti ransomware.

Conti is a relatively new private Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) that has recruited experienced hackers to distribute the ransomware in exchange for a large share of the ransom payment.

Submissions to ransomware identification site ID Ransomware also show the increased activity of Conti ransomware since June 15th.

Conti submissions to ID-R
Conti submissions to ID-R

Ryuk on the other hand, has seen a steady decline since July.

Ryuk subnmissions
Ryuk subnmissions

Also read: How to Make Data Protection Addendum Template in Simple Way

Conti releases a data leak site

When human-operated ransomware operations attack a corporate network, they commonly steal unencrypted data before encrypting the files.

This stolen data is then used as leverage to get a victim to pay the ransom under threat that the files will be released on ransomware data leak sites.

Conti ransomware has been active since this summer, but it wasn’t until recently that it released its own ‘Conti.News’ data leak site.

Conti data leak site
Conti data leak site

This data leak site currently lists twenty-six victims, with some of the names being large and well-known companies.

For each victim listed, a dedicated page is created that contains samples of the stolen data.

Leaked data
Leaked data

The ransomware’s adoption stealing data to be used in extortion is also reflected in the latest ransom notes from Conti.

In the past, the ransomware operators would just include a message that the victim was encrypted, and include two email addresses to contact them.

Conti ransom notes now include specific language stating that they will publish a victim’s data if a ransom is not paid, as shown below. 

Conti ransom note
Conti ransom note

Other ransomware operations that steal or have stolen unencrypted files to extort their victims include Ako, Avaddon, Clop, CryLock, DoppelPaymer, Maze, MountLocker, Nemty, Nephilim, Netwalker, Pysa/Mespinoza, Ragnar Locker, REvil, Sekhmet, Snatch, and Snake.

Also read: AI Auditing Framework: Draft Guidance for Organizations



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